Latest CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Notes And Important Question Chapter 4 Physical Education and Sports for CWSN

CBSE Physical Education Class 12 Notes Chapter 4 Physical Education and Sports for CWSN

CBSE Physical Education Class 12 Notes – Chapter 4: Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs)

Introduction to CWSN:

  • Children with Special Needs (CWSN) are children who have physical, mental, sensory, or emotional disabilities, and their ability to perform normal functions is affected.
  • Special attention is required to cater to their physical, emotional, and educational needs.

Categories of Disabilities:

  1. Locomotor Disabilities: Refers to disabilities that affect a person’s ability to move or walk, such as cerebral palsy, polio, and muscular dystrophy.
  2. Sensory Disabilities: Includes visual and hearing impairments, such as blindness or deafness.
  3. Mental Disabilities: Includes intellectual disabilities, where children have limited mental ability and learning capacity.
  4. Multiple Disabilities: Children who have more than one type of disability, e.g., a combination of sensory and locomotor disabilities.

Importance of Physical Education for CWSN:

  • Physical Education helps in improving the physical health, emotional wellbeing, and social integration of children with special needs.
  • It promotes inclusivity and ensures that every child, irrespective of their disability, can participate in physical activities and sports.
  • It develops skills such as teamwork, communication, and coordination.
  • Special sports programs allow children to build self-esteem and confidence.

Adapted Physical Education (APE):

  • APE is the process of modifying physical activities and sports to suit the needs and abilities of children with special needs.
  • Teachers need to adapt equipment, rules, environment, and instructional techniques to accommodate children with special needs.
  • It focuses on enhancing mobility, flexibility, strength, and coordination.

Sports for Children with Special Needs:

  1. Para Sports: These are adapted sports specifically designed for athletes with physical disabilities. Examples include wheelchair basketball, para swimming, and para athletics.
  2. Special Olympics: These are international events where children with intellectual disabilities compete in various sports, including athletics, basketball, football, and more.
  3. Inclusive Sports: This refers to the participation of children with and without disabilities in the same sports activities. It promotes social integration and understanding.

Importance of Special Equipment and Modifications:

  • Wheelchairs: Special wheelchairs are used in sports like wheelchair basketball and tennis.
  • Modified Balls: Balls of different sizes, weights, and textures may be used to suit children with different abilities.
  • Hearing Aids and Visual Aids: For children with hearing and visual impairments, special equipment like hearing aids and tactile markers help them participate in sports.

Role of Teachers and Trainers:

  • Specialized Training: Teachers should have specialized knowledge and training to work with CWSN.
  • Understanding the Needs: Teachers need to understand the specific needs of each child, ensuring that they are included in the activities and sports.
  • Safety and Security: Teachers must ensure that the environment is safe for the children to perform activities, reducing the risk of injury.

Health Benefits of Physical Education for CWSN:

  • Improved Physical Fitness: Regular physical activities help in improving muscle strength, coordination, and overall health.
  • Psychological Benefits: Physical activities help in reducing stress and anxiety, and they also boost self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Social Integration: Participating in sports activities provides children with special needs the opportunity to interact with peers, fostering social skills and relationships.

Physical Education for Children with Special Needs is not just about playing sports but is a means to provide social inclusion, develop their physical and mental strength, and empower them to lead a more active and fulfilling life. It’s vital to create a supportive and adaptive environment for CWSN so they can participate in physical activities alongside their peers.

CBSE NCERT Physical Education Class 12 Important Questions Chapter 4 Physical Education and Sports for CWSN

1. What is the meaning of CWSN?

  • Explain what the term “Children with Special Needs” (CWSN) refers to and list the categories of disabilities they may have.

2. What are the different categories of disabilities in CWSN?

  • Discuss the various types of disabilities in children (e.g., locomotor, sensory, mental, and multiple disabilities). Give examples of each type.

3. Explain the importance of physical education for children with special needs.

  • Why is physical education important for CWSN? Discuss its role in improving physical, emotional, and social health.

4. What is Adapted Physical Education (APE)?

  • Define Adapted Physical Education. Explain how it is different from regular physical education and how it benefits children with special needs.

5. How can physical activities be modified to cater to the needs of CWSN?

  • Explain the modifications that can be made in physical activities, such as changes in the environment, equipment, rules, and instructional techniques.

6. What are some popular sports for children with special needs?

  • Discuss different sports activities for CWSN, such as Para Sports, Special Olympics, and inclusive sports. Mention some examples.

7. Describe the role of teachers in providing physical education to children with special needs.

  • What responsibilities do physical education teachers have when working with children with special needs? Discuss training, understanding needs, and ensuring safety.

8. Discuss the importance of social integration through physical education for children with special needs.

  • How does physical education help in the social integration of children with disabilities? Explain its role in promoting inclusivity and social skills.

9. What are some health benefits of physical activities for children with special needs?

  • Explain the physical and psychological health benefits of physical education for CWSN, such as improved fitness, reduced anxiety, and increased self-esteem.

10. How does Special Olympics help children with special needs?

  • Discuss the role of Special Olympics in providing a platform for children with intellectual disabilities to showcase their abilities through sports.

11. What are some examples of adapted sports equipment used for CWSN?

  • List and explain special equipment used in sports for children with disabilities, such as modified balls, wheelchairs, and hearing aids.

12. How can physical education programs be made inclusive for children with disabilities?

  • What steps can be taken to ensure that physical education programs cater to both children with and without special needs? Discuss the importance of inclusivity in sports and physical education.

13. How do teachers assess the physical abilities of CWSN?

  • Describe how teachers can assess the physical fitness and capabilities of children with special needs in a fair and supportive manner.

14. What challenges do teachers face when working with CWSN in physical education?

  • Explain some of the challenges faced by physical education teachers while working with children with special needs and how they can overcome these challenges.

15. Discuss the role of the family in promoting physical education for children with special needs.

  • How can the family support the involvement of children with special needs in physical activities and sports? What role do parents play in promoting physical fitness?

These questions are designed to help students understand the key concepts in the chapter and prepare effectively for their exams.

Physical Education Class 12 Notes And Important Questions CBSE

    Full PYQ of Class 12:- LearnCBSE
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